I’m sorry to put you out there like this, dear friend, but I see you. You’ve got crazy awesome ideas, but you’re afraid to try for fear of failure.
What’s holding you back from starting your business?
What’s holding you back from growing your business once it has been become profitable?
Fear it will FAIL.
It’s true. It’s impossible to succeed 100% of the time, but failure is a natural part of growing a business–often your best teacher.
Fear will keep you from trying new things and embracing challenges. Don’t let your insecurities hold you back.
How do you combat fear?
1. Cultivate a growth mindset.
2. Stop negative self-talk.
3. Talk to a mentor or trusted advisor.
4. Understand mistakes happen and are an opportunity to learn.
5. Take small steps. This is not a race.
“To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.” ~Bertrand Russell